Added blog and newsroom on this site
I have added a blog and newsroom in our Iroiro's portfolio. This change will allow us to announce information here that I have been announcing on X, Mastodon, and Bluesky. In addition, I will be able to communicate our findings on our technical blog in both English and Japanese.
I have been using our portfolio to communicate our services and contact information. With the addition of the blog and newsroom, I expect that people will be able to learn about our activities in one place. In addition, I believe this will be the best way for both English and Japanese speakers to stay informed.
Currently, the English articles are translated by Deepl into machine translation and then slightly modified.
I hope you will take this opportunity to visit our portfolio site.
Technology Blog in an easy-to-understand format
Sites like Zenn and Qiita in the Japanese-speaking world and sites like and Hashnode in the English-speaking world are great ways to post technical articles and share technical insights in their respective languages. However, these sites can only provide insights and announcements in the language in which they are written. They also treat each article as a separate article, which can be confusing to users.
To address these issues, I have expanded this portfolio site and added a blog. This will allow us to effectively communicate our content in both English and Japanese speaking countries.
More information about our activities
Social networking sites such as X, Mastodon, and Bluesky are great ways to communicate information to a wide audience. However, these social networking sites do not allow you to convey all of the information you want to convey due to the limited number of characters.
To address this issue, I have expanded this portfolio site to include a newsroom. This will allow us to give more accurate and detailed information about our announcements without being limited by the number of characters.